Sterling IAQ Consultants Ltd. is quite involved with providing services related to sustainability in buildings. Being experts in the area of indoor air quality, Sterling IAQ Consultants Ltd. assists buildings to obtain certification for both the Canada Green Building Corporation’s (CaGBC), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) and the Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada’s (BOMA Canada) BOMA BESt program.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Most new building construction and existing building renovation projects nowadays are incorporating some level of sustainability into the process. Whether it is LEEDTM, BOMA BESt or Green Globes, Sterling IAQ provides IAQ consulting and/or testing services to ensure the applicable goals are met.
With our history in the field of indoor air quality, our team was part of the development group that wrote the indoor air quality language for the LEEDTM documentation for the Canada Green Building Corporation (CaGBC). Additionally, Sterling IAQ conducts indoor air quality testing for LEEDTM projects after construction and prior to occupancy.
And the existing stock of buildings in the commercial real estate sector across Canada has recently been going through LEEDTM for Existing Building (LEEDTM-EB) certification. Sterling IAQ has become the leader in Canada for the IAQ audits required as part of this LEEDTM-EB certification. The requirements of the audit are very thorough but our team is fully comprehensive on the details and has become very efficient at this task.

Did you know?
Sterling IAQ Consultants Ltd. was the IAQ expert on the Vancouver Olympic Village (shown here) LEED submission
BOMA BESt® is the Canadian industry standard for commercial building sustainability certification.
BOMA BESt® is the only assessment and certification program of its kind for commercial buildings in Canada. It is a unique, voluntary, national program designed to assess environmental performance and management of existing buildings, and is offered by the Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada (BOMA Canada) as a service to all commercial building owners and managers across Canada.
The Program provides a consistent framework for owners and managers to critically assess six key areas of environmental performance and management:
- Energy
- Water
- Waste Reduction and Site
- Emissions and Effluents
- Indoor Environment
- Environmental Management System
Since its launch in 2005, BOMA BESt® has seen tremendous uptake, with over 3,500 buildings representing nearly one billion square feet of Canadian commercial real estate, having applied for certification or recertification to date. The growing trend toward building assessment and certification through BOMA BESt® speaks to the value this Program has provided, and continues to provide, to the Canadian commercial real estate industry.
Sterling IAQ Consultants Ltd. provide services related to the Indoor Environment section of the BOMA BESt program as well as hazardous materials inventories and management plans.

LEED Certified Space by Region
(Figures as of July 2015) Measured in GSM. Gross square meters are reported in millions.
East Asia 38.24
Europe 20.44
South Asia 13.74
Latin America and Caribbean 10.33