Proactive IAQ testing proves useful once again

Oct 4, 2021

Sterling IAQ Consultants Ltd. conducts proactive indoor air quality testing (IAQ) at various buildings across Canada.  This type of service has largely been conducted to document that the building performs well and the parameters measured are within industry standards.  From time to time though, this testing yields results that are surprising which then initiates further investigation.

At a recent building in the Vancouver area, Sterling IAQ measured extremely high carbon dioxide results (up to 2500 ppm) in a newly renovated space which also recently had an upgrade to the ventilation system.  There were no widespread complaints documented at the time of measurements.

The ensuing investigation that included building operations representatives and Sterling IAQ, determined that the wiring on a new fan system had somehow been reversed and the fan was operating backwards … therefore, no air was being delivered to the occupied areas of the building.

So this discovery once again shows the benefits of conducting annual proactive indoor air quality testing in buildings and workplaces.

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